P601 Accredited LEV Engineers
EVS engineers adhere to the requirements of BOHS (British Occupational Hygiene Society) accreditation standards and have over 34 years’ experience in designing, installing, commissioning, testing and certifying all types of Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) System, General Ventilation System and Process Ventilation System. P601
Our accreditations help us stand out in a tough industry sector, and we feel put us at an advantage when compared to companies who do not hold the same level of accreditation. They are a mark of professionalism and ensure we meet appropriate standards of professional competence. They show we have an understanding of the workplace, and are striving to achieve competences considered important by existing and potential clients.
Accordingly, our engineers adhere to the following Proficiency Standards: –
- P601 Proficiency Certificate No 290509/007: Initial Appraisal and Thorough Examination and Testing of Local Exhaust Ventilation Systems
- P602 Proficiency Certificate No 200309/006: Design and Installation Principles of Local Exhaust Ventilation Systems
- P603 Proficiency Certificate No 20151007-628-6174: Control of Hazardous Substances – Personal Protective Equipment
- P604 Advanced Proficiency Certificate No 20150522-628-6056: Performance Evaluation and Management of Local Exhaust Ventilation Systems
- W201 – Basic Principles in Occupational Hygiene
The P601 accreditation we have attained demonstrates our understanding of the principles of good control practice for hazardous substances and the role of local exhaust ventilation (LEV) in this regard.
We are suitably accredited to illustrate our competence in:-
- Carrying out the testing of previously appraised LEV systems used to control exposure to substances hazardous to health
- Producing suitable records of the results of examination and testing as required by regulatory guidance and codes of practice
- Understanding and being able to describe the principles and the main elements of an LEV system
- Judging whether an LEV system is capable of adequate control of the identified hazards
- Carrying out the necessary measurements safely to determine if an LEV system is effective and operating to the design specification
- Establishing, in circumstances where a system has not been properly commissioned, whether the system works effectively, controls exposure and also determining the operating criteria for continued performance
- Providing suitable advice to remedy any faults discovered
In addition to our P601 accreditation, we are also Affiliate Members of BOHS (British Occupational Hygiene Society), demonstrating our commitment to improving workplace health.
Further information on accreditation can be obtained from the BOHS website: www.bohs.org or by visiting the HSE (Health & Safety Executive) website: www.hse.gov.uk/lev
We believe that continuing professional development is vital to progress our skills in the industry, and see it as standard working practice for our engineers as well as our technical and administrative personnel. We provide a structured approach and the opportunity to widen knowledge, improve skills and demonstrate professional competence.